CAT Ref. | PI | Awarded no. of nights | Instrument | Large program | Program |
41-NOT5-A/22B | Benjamín Montesinos Comino | 3 G | FIES | - | Exocomets around main-sequence stars: confirming candidates and unmasking impostors |
41-NOT6-B/22B | Benjamín Montesinos Comino | 18 A (1hrs) | FIES | - | Exocomets around main-sequence stars: confirming candidates and unmasking impostors |
41-NOT7-C/22B | Benjamín Montesinos Comino | 18 A (0.4hrs) | FIES | - | Exocomets around main-sequence stars: confirming candidates and unmasking impostors |
41-NOT8-D/22B | Benjamín Montesinos Comino | 11 A (0.6hrs) | FIES | - | Exocomets around main-sequence stars: confirming candidates and unmasking impostors |
72-NOT11-A/22B | Eduardo Martin Guerrero de Escalante | 2 G | ALFOSC | - | Spectroscopic identification of strong line emission field ultracool dwarfs |
111-NOT15/22B | Hannu Parviainen | 6 A | ALFOSC | - | Transit timing variation follow-up of temperate small exoplanets orbiting M dwarfs |
114-NOT16/22B | Carlos Cifuentes San Román | 4 A | FIES | - | Identifying new M dwarfs spectroscopic binaries from Gaia RV data |
121-NOT17/22B | Tariq Shahbaz | 1 D (4.5hrs) | visitante | - | Optical polarimetery of X-ray binaries |
124-NOT18-C/22B | Frédérick Poidevin | 6 G | ALFOSC | - | Polarisation properties of type I Superluminous Supernovae |
22-NOT2/22B | Ignacio Negueruela Díez | 1 A | FIES | - | A massive AGB star in a young open cluster |