Allocated time recommended by the CAT

Semester 2022B

Liverpool Telescope

CAT Ref.PIAwarded hoursInstrumentLarge programBandProgram
9-LT1/22BRené Damián Duffard4 A (2hrs) RISE - BStellar occultations by TNOs
14-LT2/22BJose Luis Ortiz Moreno D (29hrs) IO-O - BStudy of the opposition surge of Trans-Neptunian Objects
15-LT3/22BGuayente Panizo Espinar30 A (0.3hrs) IO-O - AMonitoring X-ray binary Transients with the Liverpool Telescope
46-LT4-C/22BDavid Jones6 A (0.5hrs) SPRAT - AMulti-wavelength target of opportunity follow-up of newly-discovered luminous red novae
46-LT5-D/22BDavid Jones52 A (0.5hrs) IO-O - AMulti-wavelength target of opportunity follow-up of newly-discovered luminous red novae
102-LT6/22BLuis Julián Goicoechea Santamaría A (25hrs) IO-O - ARobotic spectrophotometric monitoring of gravitationally lensed quasar
115-LT7-A/22BIsmael Pérez Fournon40 A (0.5hrs) SPRAT - BSuperluminous supernovae and gravitationally lensed supernovae: from ZTF to the Vera Rubin surveys.
118-LT8-C/22BFrancisco Prada1 A (3hrs) SPRAT - BSpectro-photometric light curves for kilonovae from GW-LVK O4 run: Equation of state and Hubble constant determination
124-LT9-A/22BFrédérick Poidevin30 A (0.2hrs) IO-O - APolarisation properties of type I Superluminous Supernovae
124-LT10-B/22BFrédérick Poidevin6 G (0.5hrs) SPRAT - APolarisation properties of type I Superluminous Supernovae