Allocated time recommended by the CAT

Semester 2021A

Liverpool Telescope

Ref. CATPIAwarded number of hoursInstrumentLarge programRankTitle
16-LT1/21AMaría Guayente Panizo Espinar30 A (0.3hrs) IO-O - AMonitoring X-ray binary Transients with the Liverpool Telescope
39-LT2/21ALuis Julián Goicoechea Santamaría A (25hrs) IO-O - BSpectrophotometric follow-up of gravitationally lensed quasar (GLQs) with the LT
60-LT3-A/21AMartin Blazek12 A (0.33hrs) IO-O - CExploiting the flexible instrumentation of the Liverpool Telescope to study Gamma-Ray Bursts
60-LT5-C/21AMartin Blazek1 G (0.5hrs) RINGO3/MOPTOP - CExploiting the flexible instrumentation of the Liverpool Telescope to study Gamma-Ray Bursts
60-LT6-D/21AMartin Blazek2 A (0.5hrs) SPRAT - CExploiting the flexible instrumentation of the Liverpool Telescope to study Gamma-Ray Bursts
93-LT8-A/21ADavid Jones A (3hrs) SPRAT - BThe temperature and luminosity evolution of newly-discovered Luminous Red Novae
93-LT9-B/21ADavid Jones A (12hrs) IO-O - BThe temperature and luminosity evolution of newly-discovered Luminous Red Novae
100-LT11/21APablo Santos Sanz8 A (0.5hrs) RISE - AStellar occultations by dwarf planets, trans-neptunian objects and centaurs
103-LT12/21AMartin Guerrero Roncel G (39.84hrs) IO-O - CPhotometric variability in evolved stars
108-LT17/21AJavier Gonzalez Payo G (3.2hrs) SPRAT - BSpectroscopic confirmation of the multiplicity of wide companions to metal-poor ultracool dwarfs
109-LT18-B/21APaul Ross McWhirter G (8.5hrs) SPRAT - BDetermination of the stellar parameters of an additional sample of Blue Large-Amplitude Pulsators
118-LT19/21AIsmael Pérez Fournon32 A (0.5hrs) SPRAT - AContribution of the Liverpool Telescope to the HST SIRAH (Supernovae in the Infrared avec Hubble) program
126-LT20-A/21AIsmael Pérez Fournon32 G (0.5hrs) SPRAT - BGravitationally lensed SN discovery and follow-up, contribution to the HST LensWatch program
128-LT21-A/21AFrédérick Poidevin10 A (0.5hrs) SPRAT - BTesting the magnetar progenitor model of type I Superluminous Supernovae with spectroscopy, photometry and polarimetry
128-LT22-B/21AFrédérick Poidevin18 A (0.166666hrs) IO-O - BTesting the magnetar progenitor model of type I Superluminous Supernovae with spectroscopy, photometry and polarimetry