List of proposals with awarded Spanish CAT observing time

Semester 2018B

Isaac Newton Telescope

Ref. CATPIAwarded nightsInstrumentLarge programProgram
9-INT1-A/18BOvidiu Vaduvescu9 A WFC - Continuing the EURONEAR Lightcurve Survey of Near Earth Asteroids
10-INT2-A/18BOvidiu Vaduvescu3.5 D + 1.5 G WFC - Testing the EURONEAR Automated Moving Source Detection Pipeline
10-INT3-B/18BOvidiu Vaduvescu5 G (2 hrs) WFC - Testing the EURONEAR Automated Moving Source Detection Pipeline
53-INT4/18BJose Alfonso Lopez Aguerri7.5 D + 2.5 D WFC - Deep imaging on the WEAVE clusters
57-INT5/18BDavid Jones5 G WFC - Constraining the link between central star binarity and high abundance discrepancies in planetary nebulae
65-INT6/18BIgnacio Negueruela Díez2 G + 1 A IDS - A very massive cluster in the Outer Milky Way
67-INT7-A/18BJulia de Leon Cruz3 A IDS - Compositional characterization of V-type asteroids outside the Vesta family
74-INT8/18BNestor Sanchez Doreste0.5 D + 3.5 G IDS - Environment effects on the properties of T Tauri stars jets/outflows in the Taurus-Auriga star forming region
86-INT9-B/18BMarcel Popescu3 A IDS - Compositional characterization of olivine-rich asteroids
123-INT10-B/18BCarlos Allende Prieto4 G IDS - Early Steps of the Milky Way: Old Stars as Tracers of the Formation and Evolution of the Galactic Halo.
127-INT11/18BMartin Guerrero Roncel3 A + 3 A IDS - Understanding the UV Excess in Late-type Giant Stars
149-INT12/18BNuria Salvador Rusiñol4 D IDS - UV stellar populations properties of nearby relic galaxies