List of proposals with awarded Spanish CAT observing time

Semester 2018B

Gran Telescopio Canarias

Clas.Ref. CATPIAwarded hoursInstrumentProgram
Q145-GTC35/18BJose Diego Rodriguez G (9.6 hrs) OsirisObserving a luminous star at high redshift (z=1.5). Implications for dark matter models
Q161-GTC46/18BJose Manuel Vilchez Medina G (14.7 hrs) MEGARADeep spectroscopy of recently discovered strong Lyman continuum emitters: physical and chemical properties, gas outflows and ionizing radiation fields
Q169-GTC51-A/18BMichael Jones D (12.5 hrs) MEGARAAre HI-bearing ultra-diffuse galaxies just the tip of the iceberg?
Q169-GTC52-B/18BMichael Jones D (12.5 hrs) MEGARAAre HI-bearing ultra-diffuse galaxies just the tip of the iceberg?
Q1137-GTC131-A/18BAlberto Javier Castro Tirado15 A (0.4 hrs) OsirisGTC follow-up of gravitational radiation sources in the Multi-messenger Era
Q1137-GTC132-B/18BAlberto Javier Castro Tirado15 A (1 hrs) OsirisGTC follow-up of gravitational radiation sources in the Multi-messenger Era
Q1137-GTC133-C/18BAlberto Javier Castro Tirado9 A (1 hrs) EMIRGTC follow-up of gravitational radiation sources in the Multi-messenger Era
Q1137-GTC134-D/18BAlberto Javier Castro Tirado A (6 hrs) HIPERCAMGTC follow-up of gravitational radiation sources in the Multi-messenger Era
Q159-GTC44/18BHans J. Deeg20 A (0.5 hrs) OsirisBeing ready when it wakes up: Resolving the mystery of the 'Where's the flux' star
Q1102-GTC75/18BMiriam García García D (16 hrs) MEGARAWhere are the very massive stars of Local Group dwarf irregular galaxies?
Q160-GTC45/18BJorge García Rojas G (9 hrs) MEGARAMapping faint emission lines in high-adf planetary nebulae
Q130-GTC21/18BAlberto Rebassa Mansergas G (5 hrs) HIPERCAMAccurate mass and radius determinations of the first M subdwarf in an eclipsing binary
Q168-GTC50/18BMartin Guerrero Roncel D (5.5 hrs) MEGARASearching for Hot Gas in Planetary Nebulae: Finally at Reach in the Optical with GTC MEGARA.
Q119-GTC12/18BPilar Ruiz Lapuente5 G (6 hrs) OsirisEstudio de la energia oscura con supernovas a z>1 dentro del programa de Subaru con la Hyper Suprime Camera y el GTC
Q1 Visitor101-GTC73-A/18BGuo Chen G (3.5 hrs) HIPERCAMSearching for imprints of planet formation and migration in the atmosphere of a young sub-Neptune
Q1101-GTC74-B/18BGuo Chen A (7 hrs) EMIRSearching for imprints of planet formation and migration in the atmosphere of a young sub-Neptune
Q1109-GTC81/18BJose Alfonso Lopez Aguerri D (25 hrs) MEGARAUnderstanding the kinematics and stellar populations of Ultra Diffuse Galaxies with MEGARA Integral Field Spectroscopy
Q1155-GTC148/18BIgnacio Trujillo Cabrera D (15.3 hrs) HIPERCAMUltra deep imaging and spectroscopy of a galaxy lacking dark matter
Q198-GTC71/18BGuo Chen A (10 hrs) EMIRThe atmospheric metallicity of an intermediate-mass ultra hot Jupiter
Q1132-GTC127/18BIgnacio Negueruela Díez D (8 hrs) MEGARAThe RSG population of NGC 6822: key to understand high-mass star evolution
Q1157-GTC152/18BManuel Ángel Pérez Torres A (20 hrs) EMIRNear-Infrared Spectroscopy of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources
Q195-GTC69/18BCarolina Kehrig D (12.42 hrs) MEGARAIZw 18 and the primeval chemical evolution of galaxies: deep MEGARA spectroscopy
Q1131-GTC123-A/18BArmando Gil de Paz G (8 hrs) MEGARAIdentifying the nature of the precursor of M32 through detailed 2D kinematical mapping
Q1131-GTC124-B/18BArmando Gil de Paz G (8 hrs) MEGARAIdentifying the nature of the precursor of M32 through detailed 2D kinematical mapping
Q1131-GTC125-C/18BArmando Gil de Paz G (1 hrs) MEGARAIdentifying the nature of the precursor of M32 through detailed 2D kinematical mapping
Q1131-GTC126-D/18BArmando Gil de Paz G (2 hrs) MEGARAIdentifying the nature of the precursor of M32 through detailed 2D kinematical mapping
Q1133-GTC128/18BArmando Gil de Paz G (31 hrs) MEGARALegacy spectral mapping of NGC604: The northern "Rosetta Stone" of massive HII regions
Q2158-GTC153/18BÁfrica Castillo Morales G (11.2 hrs) MEGARAStudying Galactic Winds with MEGARA
Q2 Visitor26-GTC18/18BPablo Rodríguez Gil G (11 hrs) HIPERCAMTides versus gravitational radiation in the fastest double white dwarf eclipsing binary
Q246-GTC36/18BAlberto Fernandez Soto A (12 hrs) EMIRJoin the dots: Linking massive z~2 spheroids to local ones via stellar metallicity, age, and velocity dispersion measurements
Q211-GTC8/18BKazushi Iwasawa G (32 hrs) OsirisGTC Spectroscopic Survey for the Most Distant Quasars at z > 6.5
Q266-GTC49/18BTeodoro Muñoz Darias10 A (1 hrs) OsirisX-ray Binary Transients: High excitation emission lines, wind and nebulae.
Q2153-GTC146/18BDavid Alexander Kann A (20 hrs) EMIRENGRAVE in the Northern Sky: GTC follow-up of LIGO O3 Neutron Star Mergers
Q255-GTC41/18BDavid Jones G (2 hrs) OsirisConstraining the properties of a “fresh-out-of-the-oven” post-common-envelope binary
Q289-GTC66/18BTariq Shahbaz A (7 hrs) HIPERCAMThe optical pulse time delay in X-ray binary pulsars
Q26-GTC3-A/18BTomás Ruiz-Lara G (2 hrs) OsirisResolving the unresolved: connecting baryons and dark matter with detailed SFHs of Local Group dwarfs
Q26-GTC4-B/18BTomás Ruiz-Lara D (7 hrs) OsirisResolving the unresolved: connecting baryons and dark matter with detailed SFHs of Local Group dwarfs
Q26-GTC5-C/18BTomás Ruiz-Lara D (7.8 hrs) OsirisResolving the unresolved: connecting baryons and dark matter with detailed SFHs of Local Group dwarfs
Q248-GTC37/18BMonica Relano Pastor D (9 hrs) MEGARASearching for Lyman-alpha emission in Damped Lyman-alpha systems
Q2120-GTC90-A/18BJosefa Becerra González7 A (1 hrs) OsirisCharacterizing the diversity of neutron star mergers and their kilonovae
Q2120-GTC91-B/18BJosefa Becerra González7 A (1 hrs) EMIRCharacterizing the diversity of neutron star mergers and their kilonovae
Q2143-GTC138-A/18BAlberto Javier Castro Tirado8 A (1 hrs) OsirisThe environment of GRBs by means of ultrafast photometry and spectroscopy of their afterglows
Q2143-GTC139-B/18BAlberto Javier Castro Tirado8 A (0.1 hrs) OsirisThe environment of GRBs by means of ultrafast photometry and spectroscopy of their afterglows
Q2143-GTC140-C/18BAlberto Javier Castro Tirado A (15 hrs) HIPERCAMThe environment of GRBs by means of ultrafast photometry and spectroscopy of their afterglows
Q2156-GTC149-A/18BStefan Geier G (30 hrs) OsirisMining the KiDS/VIKING survey for metal-rich Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers
Q2156-GTC150-B/18BStefan Geier A (8 hrs) EMIRMining the KiDS/VIKING survey for metal-rich Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers
Q2 Visitor121-GTC92/18BVikram Dhillon D (21 hrs) HIPERCAMThe maximum mass of neutron stars
Q2 Visitor24-GTC17/18BTariq Shahbaz D (8 hrs) HIPERCAMThe origin of the optical/infrared variability in the planetary mass brown dwarf SIMP J0136.
Q3156-GTC151-C/18BStefan Geier A (16 hrs) EMIRMining the KiDS/VIKING survey for metal-rich Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers
Q3140-GTC136/18BPatricia Sanchez-Blazquez G (29.5 hrs) MEGARATesting the theories of radial migration in M31 using planetary nebulae
Q380-GTC61/18BAlejandro Serrano Borlaff D (8.4 hrs) OsirisUltra-deep imaging of edge-on galaxies: Flares, satellites and stellar halos
Q388-GTC65/18BJorge Sanchez Almeida G (2.5 hrs) MEGARAThe gas around primitive local galaxies
Q3106-GTC78-A/18BRui Marques Chaves A (10 hrs) EMIRUnveiling the nature of the most luminous star-forming galaxies in the Universe
Q3106-GTC79-B/18BRui Marques Chaves D (5 hrs) OsirisUnveiling the nature of the most luminous star-forming galaxies in the Universe
Q3115-GTC84/18BJairo Mendez Abreu G (13.8 hrs) MEGARAThe Faber-Jackson relation of extremely low-mass bulges. Clues to problem of bulgeless galaxies in the Universe.
Q3126-GTC95/18BSusana Iglesias Groth G (7 hrs) EMIRNear IR Spectroscopy of 6 ultra bright Submillimetre Galaxies.
Q350-GTC39/18BNicolas Lodieu G (9.2 hrs) EMIRThe second spectroscopic M+M subdwarf binary
Q3152-GTC145/18BFlavia Dell'Agli A (13 hrs) EMIREvolved stars in dwarf galaxies: dissecting the AGB dust production and the recent SFH in metal-poor environments
Q313-GTC9/18BCesar Esteban Lopez D (12 hrs) OsirisA flattening of the radial abundance gradient of oxygen in the inner Galactic disc?
Q336-GTC23-A/18BRiccardo Scarpa Ballarin G (2 hrs) OsirisProbing Broad Absorption Line quasar outflows with gravitational microlensing
Q336-GTC24-B/18BRiccardo Scarpa Ballarin A (2 hrs) EMIRProbing Broad Absorption Line quasar outflows with gravitational microlensing
Q349-GTC38/18BJohan Knapen A (15 hrs) EMIRHunting the Ly alpha Line in the Brightest z~8 Galaxies to Probe the Ionization State of the z>7 Universe
Q437-GTC25-A/18BMaria Luisa Garcia Vargas D (1 hrs) MEGARAMEGARA 2D study of J1154+2443, the CFSG with the highest fraction of escaping LyC
Q437-GTC26-B/18BMaria Luisa Garcia Vargas D (2 hrs) MEGARAMEGARA 2D study of J1154+2443, the CFSG with the highest fraction of escaping LyC
Q437-GTC27-C/18BMaria Luisa Garcia Vargas D (3 hrs) MEGARAMEGARA 2D study of J1154+2443, the CFSG with the highest fraction of escaping LyC
Q437-GTC28-D/18BMaria Luisa Garcia Vargas D (2 hrs) MEGARAMEGARA 2D study of J1154+2443, the CFSG with the highest fraction of escaping LyC
Q437-GTC29-E/18BMaria Luisa Garcia Vargas D (1 hrs) MEGARAMEGARA 2D study of J1154+2443, the CFSG with the highest fraction of escaping LyC
Q437-GTC30-F/18BMaria Luisa Garcia Vargas D (1 hrs) MEGARAMEGARA 2D study of J1154+2443, the CFSG with the highest fraction of escaping LyC
Q494-GTC68/18BGuo Chen A (15.8 hrs) OsirisTransmission spectroscopy for a pair of close-in super-puffy super-Neptunes
Q4105-GTC77/18BArtemio Herrero Davó A (4.17 hrs) EMIRIs [MVM2011]G37.51-0.46 a massive cluster in disruption?
Q4129-GTC96-A/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres G (0.7 hrs) OsirisMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC97-B/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres A (0.7 hrs) MEGARAMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC98-C/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres G (0.7 hrs) OsirisMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC99-D/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres G (0.7 hrs) OsirisMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC100-E/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres G (0.7 hrs) OsirisMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC101-F/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres A (0.7 hrs) MEGARAMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC102-G/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres G (0.7 hrs) OsirisMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC103-H/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres A (0.7 hrs) MEGARAMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC104-I/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres A (0.7 hrs) MEGARAMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC105-J/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres A (0.7 hrs) MEGARAMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC106-K/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres G (0.7 hrs) OsirisMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC107-L/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres G (0.7 hrs) OsirisMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC108-M/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres G (0.7 hrs) OsirisMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC109-N/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres A (0.7 hrs) MEGARAMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC110-O/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres G (0.7 hrs) OsirisMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC111-P/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres A (0.7 hrs) MEGARAMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC112-Q/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres G (0.7 hrs) OsirisMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC113-R/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres A (0.7 hrs) MEGARAMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC114-S/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres G (0.7 hrs) OsirisMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC115-T/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres A (0.7 hrs) MEGARAMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC116-U/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres A (0.7 hrs) MEGARAMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC117-V/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres A (0.7 hrs) MEGARAMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC118-W/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres A (0.7 hrs) MEGARAMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC119-X/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres G (0.7 hrs) OsirisMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC120-Y/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres A (0.7 hrs) MEGARAMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC121-Z/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres G (0.7 hrs) OsirisMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q4129-GTC122-[/18BMiguel Ángel Pérez Torres A (0.7 hrs) MEGARAMonitoring the changing-look AGN Mrk1018
Q441-GTC31/18BSara Cazzoli G (11.1 hrs) MEGARAExploring multiphase outflows in nearby AGN-LINERs
Q472-GTC54/18BCarlos M. Gutierrez De la Cruz D (20 hrs) OsirisCalibrating the galaxy color resdhift relation for Euclid and mapping the star formation main sequence
Q483-GTC62/18BCristina Ramos Almeida A (20.3 hrs) EMIRQuantifying the impact of AGN feedback on galaxy evolution with EMIR
Q4135-GTC130/18BHelmut Dannerbauer D (20 hrs) HIPERCAMHiPERCAM Unveils 5-Color Portrait to Characterize Strong Lenses Identified by Planck
Q476-GTC59/18BVikram Dhillon G (20 hrs) HIPERCAMTesting stellar and binary evolution models with eclipsing binaries
Q4146-GTC141/18BPablo Rodríguez Gil G (11 hrs) HIPERCAMBetter mass ratio estimates for thousands of accreting binaries.
Q48-GTC7/18BNikolay Britavskiy D (7 hrs) EMIRComprehensive study of red supergiants in Sextans A
Q463-GTC47/18BMartín López Corredoira A (22 hrs) EMIRAges of passively evolving galaxies at high-redshift
Q499-GTC72/18BAdriana de Lorenzo-Cáceres Rodríguez G (7.51 hrs) MEGARAProbing inner bars as promoters of LINER- and Seyfert-like nuclear activity
Q428-GTC19/18BAlberto Fernandez Soto G (5.8 hrs) OsirisAssessing the luminosity of a mysterious extragalactic X-ray transient
Q4116-GTC85/18BHelmut Dannerbauer A (24.2 hrs) EMIRDeep NIR imaging of the Planck-Herschel selected protoclusters
Filler35-GTC22/18BMercedes Mollá Lorente A (50 hrs) MEGARAMEGARA Spectral Library (filler proposal)
Filler1-GTC1/18BJesús Maíz Apellániz A (60 hrs) OsirisThe Galactic O-Star Spectroscopic Survey (GOSSS): the faint northern sample
Filler21-GTC14/18BRiccardo Scarpa Ballarin A (42 hrs) OsirisThe nature of TeV gamma-ray and neutrino emitting candidate blazars.
Filler51-GTC40/18BNicolas Lodieu A (45 hrs) EMIRBinarity among metal-poor M dwarfs: the way forward to dynamical masses
Filler142-GTC137/18BDavid Morate González A (40 hrs) OsirisPRIMASS: characterization of the primitive collisional families in the central asteroid belt II
Filler154-GTC147/18BAlessandro Ederoclite A (50 hrs) OsirisWhite dwarfs in the Gaia era: constraining the star formation history in the solar neighbourhood
Filler124-GTC94/18BJavier Abril Ibáñez A (32 hrs) OsirisSpectroscopic Characterisation of CVs from J-PLUS