Ref. CAT | IP | Noches Concedidas | Instrumento | Larga Duración | Programa |
24-Stella1/18A | Jorge Casares Velázquez | A (33 h) | SES | - | Long-term Monitoring of Gamma-Ray Binaries |
27-Stella2-B/18A | Pablo Santos Sanz | 8. A (0.5 h) | WIFSIP | - | Stellar occultations by TransNeptunian Objects, Dwarf Planets and Centaurs |
43-Stella3/18A | Ricardo Dorda Laforet | A (17 h) | SES | - | Following the variations of the extreme red supergiants |
49-Stella4/18A | David Barrado Navascués | A (45 h) | WIFSIP | - | Exploring the Lagrangian points of candidate exotrojan-hosting systems within the TROY project |
53-Stella5/18A | Luis F. Miranda Palacios | A (35 h) | WIFSIP | - | Searching for close binary central stars of planetary nebulae |
85-Stella6-C/18A | Ovidiu Vaduvescu | A (22.7 h) | WIFSIP | - | Continuing the EURONEAR Lightcurve Survey of Near Earth Asteroids |
114-Stella7/18A | Paul G. Beck | A (34 h) | SES | - | Seismic-binary systems as step stones towards improved seismic-stellar modeling |
119-Stella8/18A | Jose Antonio Acosta Pulido | A (31.6 h) | WIFSIP | - | Optical monitoring of a bright gamma-ray blazar sample |
136-Stella9/18A | Carlos Cardona Guillén | A (50 h) | WIFSIP | - | Photometric monitoring of FGK stars in Pleiades and Taurus |
147-Stella10/18A | Gonzalo Holgado Alijo | A (28 h) | SES | - | Meeting the missing spectra of fast rotators among Galactic O-type stars: Are all of them mergers? |