Ref. CAT | IP | Noches Concedidas | Instrumento | Larga Duración | Programa |
17-NOT1-A/18A | Marie Karjalainen | 1.5 A | FIES | - | A planet search among Kepler asteroseismic giant stars |
47-NOT3/18A | Nicolas Crouzet | 7 A (4.5 h) | ALFOSC | - | Exploring the atmospheres of puffy hot Jupiters with the NOT |
73-NOT4/18A | Diego Hidalgo Soto | 7 D | FIES | - | Confirmation of exoplanets detected with their optical phase-curves |
74-NOT5-A/18A | Maria Jesus Martinez Gonzalez | 4 A (1 h) | FIES | - | The circle closes around the nature of the obscurations of the Boyajian star |
82-NOT6/18A | Jorge Prieto Arranz | 4 G | FIES | - | Exploring new parameter spaces with SuperWASP candidates: Ultra-Short Period planets |
118-NOT9/18A | Martin Guerrero Roncel | 3 A | ALFOSC | - | Investigating the angular expansion of classical novae using multi-epoch images |
130-NOT10-A/18A | Grzegorz Nowak | 8 G (4.5 h) | FIES | - | The KESPRINT project - understanding the internal structures of small planet candidates from the K2 mission. |