Ref. CAT | IP | Noches Concedidas | Instrumento | Larga Duración | Programa |
17-Mercator1-B/18A | Marie Karjalainen | 4. A | HERMES | - | A planet search among Kepler asteroseismic giant stars |
51-Mercator2/18A | Laia Casamiquela Floriach | 6. A | HERMES | - | NGC6705, the first alpha-enhanced young open cluster discovered |
85-Mercator3-B/18A | Ovidiu Vaduvescu | 10. A | MAIA | - | Continuing the EURONEAR Lightcurve Survey of Near Earth Asteroids |
113-Mercator4-A/18A | Paul G. Beck | 9. A 2018A | HERMES | only 2018A | Understanding stellar Lithium abundance and chromospheric activity through ground-based high-resolution spectroscopy (Hermes/Mercator) and space Asteroseismology (Kepler). |