Ref. CAT | IP | Noches Concedidas | Instrumento | Larga Duración | Programa |
2-WHT1/17B | Jesús Maíz Apellániz | 3 A | ISIS | - | The Galactic O-Star Spectroscopic Survey (GOSSS): the intermediate-brightness northern sample |
6-WHT2/17B | Enric Palle Bago | 2 A | LIRIS | - | Time-resolved image polarimetry of Trappist-1 during planetary transits. |
14-WHT3/17B | Nicolas Lodieu | 6 half nights G | ISIS | - | Low-mass eclipsing binaries in the Pleiades and in Praesepe open clusters |
22-WHT4/17B | Cristina Ramos Almeida | 1 D | ISIS | - | Changing-look quasars in polarized light : probing the variability mechanism |
23-WHT5/17B | María Rosa Zapatero Osorio | 2 A | LIRIS | - | Weather of late-L and T dwarfs via polarimetric monitoring |
42-WHT6-A/17B | Pablo Rodríguez Gil | 2 G | ISIS | - | Neighbourhood watch: leave no white dwarf behind |
42-WHT7-B/17B | Pablo Rodríguez Gil | 1 D | ISIS | - | Neighbourhood watch: leave no white dwarf behind |
46-WHT10/17B | Cristina Ramos Almeida | 1 A + 2 A | LIRIS | - | The impact of AGN feedback on galaxy stellar populations |
89-WHT12/17B | Sergio Velasco Muñoz | 2 half nights A | visitante | - | Optical imaging of young stellar objects: disks and multiplicity in Serpens region |
103-WHT13/17B | Luca Izzo | 8x1hrs G (ToO) | ISIS | - | Search for 7BeII and 7LiI in Classical Novae |
109-WHT14/17B | Joan Font Serra | 4 G | GHAFAS | - | GHaFAS with AO: High resolution kinematic mapping of galaxies in HII at increasing redshift. |
111-WHT15/17B | Manuel Ángel Pérez Torres | 1 A | LIRIS | - | Testing X-ray models for Intermediate Polars - a dynamical study of XY Ari |
120-WHT16/17B | Jose Antonio Acosta Pulido | 2 G | ISIS | - | TRUE2: a survey of true Seyfert 2 candidates in polarized light. Establishing a limit on the detection of hidden broad line regions |
127-WHT19/17B | Artemio Herrero Davó | 3A | LIRIS | - | An exploration of bona-fide obscured massive cluster candidates |
152-WHT20/17B | Guo Chen | 4 half nights A | LIRIS | - | Does the young sub-Neptune-sized planet have an extended methane atmosphere? |
161-WHT21/17B | María Cebrián Renau | 2 D | PAUCam | - | Deciphering the Rosetta stone: ultra-deep imaging of NGC253 |
168-WHT22/17B | Alejandro Lumbreras Calle | 2 half nights A | GHAFAS | - | Bidimensional dynamics of Extremely Metal Poor (XMP) galaxies: Probing the effects of cold flow accretion |