Clas. | Ref. CAT | IP | Noches Concedidas | Instrumento | Programa |
Q1 | 1-GTC1/17B | Javier Zaragoza Cardiel | A (14hrs) | Osiris | Dust corrected SFR and molecular gas densities in luminous infrared galaxies |
Q1 | 2-GTC2/17B | Sergey Zharikov | A (4hrs) | EMIR | Digging in the graveyard of cataclysmic variables: the search for direct evidence for brown-dwarf secondary in GD 552 |
Q2 | 3-GTC3/17B | Aida Kirichenko | D (7hrs) | EMIR | The middle-aged PSR J0357+3205 in the near-IR |