Clas. | Ref. CAT | IP | Noches Concedidas | Instrumento | Programa |
Q1 | 2-GTC2/17A | Mariela Martínez Paredes | A (5.00hrs) (II) | CIRCE | Nuclear IR properties of the dusty torus in high luminosity AGN | Q1 | 1-GTC1/17A | Javier Zaragoza Cardiel | A (16.00hrs) (II) | Osiris | Dust corrected SFR and molecular gas densities in luminous infrared galaxies | Q2 | 3-GTC3/17A | Sergey Zharikov | G (9.00hrs) (II) | Osiris | Determination of the system parameters of the black-hole binary SWIFT J1753.5--0127 |