Clas. | Ref. CAT | IP | Noches Concedidas | Instrumento | Programa |
Q1 | 3-GTC3/17B | Edgar A. Ramirez Alonso | D (0.50000000hrs) (II) | CIRCE | Disentangling the magnetic properties of a powerful radio galaxy 3C 433 | Q2 | 2-GTC2/17B | Tariq Shahbaz | A (8.00000000hrs) (II) | CIRCE | Probing the jet in X-ray binaries | Q4 | 1-GTC1/17B | Cristina Ramos Almeida | D (3.10000000hrs) (II) | CIRCE | Cygnus A: a highly polarized synchrotron pc-scale jet or a dust scattering dominated core? |