Tiempo asignado por el CAT

Semestre 2017A, llamada especial CIRCEpol

Gran Telescopio Canarias

Clas.Ref. CATIPNoches ConcedidasInstrumentoPrograma
Q13-GTC3/17BEdgar A. Ramirez Alonso D (0.50000000hrs) (II)CIRCEDisentangling the magnetic properties of a powerful radio galaxy 3C 433
Q22-GTC2/17BTariq Shahbaz A (8.00000000hrs) (II)CIRCEProbing the jet in X-ray binaries
Q41-GTC1/17BCristina Ramos Almeida D (3.10000000hrs) (II)CIRCECygnus A: a highly polarized synchrotron pc-scale jet or a dust scattering dominated core?