Tiempo asignado por el CAT

Semestre 2016B


Ref. CATIPNoches ConcedidasInstrumentoLarga DuraciónPrograma
4-Mercator1/16BJesús Maíz Apellániz7 A (II)HERMES - The ISM within several kpc at high spectral resolution with HERMES@Mercator
23-Mercator2/16BIgnacio Negueruela Díez6 A (II)HERMES - Is the Perseus Arm a single structure?
90-Mercator3-A/16BLaia Casamiquela Floriach5 A (II)HERMES - The Open Clusters Chemical Abundances from Spanish Observatories (OCCASO) Survey: Berkeley 32, NGC 188, and NGC 2355
106-Mercator4/16BStefan Geier5 A (II)MAIA - Reducing the selection effects in spins and shapes of asteroids