Tiempo asignado por el CAT

Semestre 2014 A

Nordic Optical Telescope

Ref. CATIPNoches ConcedidasInstrumentoProgramaColaboradores
4-NOT1/14ARaine Karjalainen4 C (4.5hrs)FIES A Planet Search among Kepler Asteroseismic Giant Stars
48-NOT2/14ASara Bertran de Lis5 CFIES Are alpha-elements responsible for planet formation in low metallicity environments?
73-NOT5/14AHans J. Deeg7 GFIES Spectroscopic characterization and radial velocities of Corot planet candidates
102-NOT7/14AJonay I. González Hernández6 GFIES Follow-up of brown dwarfs and giant planets candidates from the MARVELS SDSS-III survey
113-NOT8/14AMartin Guerrero Roncel2 CNOTCam Imaging the dust of born-again planetary nebulae
131-NOT10-A/14AJavier Gorosabel Urkia1 C (0.5hrs)NOTCam Sub-proposal IV: Exploiting the flexible instrumentation of NOT to study Gamma-Ray Bursts
131-NOT11-B/14AJavier Gorosabel Urkia1 C (0.5hrs)MOSCA Sub-proposal IV: Exploiting the flexible instrumentation of NOT to study Gamma-Ray Bursts
131-NOT12-C/14AJavier Gorosabel Urkia1 C (0.5hrs)ALFOSC Sub-proposal IV: Exploiting the flexible instrumentation of NOT to study Gamma-Ray Bursts
131-NOT13-D/14AJavier Gorosabel Urkia1 C (0.5hrs)StanCam Sub-proposal IV: Exploiting the flexible instrumentation of NOT to study Gamma-Ray Bursts
151-NOT14/14AMauricio Cisternas2 O (4.5hrs)MOSCA Does the accretion rate of local massive quasars depend on major galaxy merging?