Tiempo asignado por el CAT

Semestre 2013 B

Telescopio Stella

Ref. CATIPNoches ConcedidasInstrumentoProgramaColaboradores
1-Stella1-B/13BJose Luis Ortiz Moreno8 C (0.5hrs) OverrideWIFSIP Observation of stellar occultations by TransNeptunian Dwarf Planet candidates
38-Stella2/13BIgnacio Negueruela Díez C (7hrs)SES The variable nature of the OB star HD 13831
43-Stella3/13BHans J. Deeg C (50hrs)WIFSIP Photometric follow-up of planet candidates from the CoRoT mission
109-Stella7/13BJorge Casares Velázquez C (41hrs)SES Long-term Monitoring of Gamma-Ray Binaries
124-Stella8/13BCarlos Allende Prieto C (106hrs)SES Stella200: Open Clusters in the Solar Vicinity
132-Stella9-B/13BHans J. Deeg C (60hrs)WIFSIP Assuring the legacy of the CoRoT Planets
151-Stella10/13BJose Antonio Acosta Pulido G (65hrs)WIFSIP Understanding blazar emission through multifrequency observations