Tiempo asignado por el CAT

Semestre 2012 B

Telescopio IAC80

Ref. CATIPNoches ConcedidasInstrumentoProgramaColaboradores
4-IAC801-D/12BJose Luis Ortiz Moreno4 C (0.5hrs)CAMELOT Observation of stellar occultations by TransNeptunian Dwarf Planet candidates
6-IAC802/12BSoren Frandsen4 G (II)CAMELOT Observing Course for students from Aarhus University
14-IAC803/12BEnrique García Melendo4 G (I) + 2 G (II)CAMELOT Una binaria eclipsante con una secundaria de muy baja masa
15-IAC804/12BKatrien Uytterhoeven3 O (I) + 4 G (I)CAMELOT Mode-identification of the Kepler delta Sct/gamma Dor hybrid star KIC6761539.
31-IAC805-B/12BCristina Zurita Espinosa54 C (1hrs)CAMELOT Optical/NIR Observations of Newly Discovered X-ray/gamma-ray sources
40-IAC806-B/12BAlessandro Ederoclite5 C (2hrs)CAMELOT Spectro-Photometric Target Of Opportunity Follow-up of Classical Novae
50-IAC807/12BAlfred Rosenberg González2 O (I) + 2 G (I) + 2 G (II) + 2 B (II)CAMELOT TeleAstronomía 2.0
52-IAC808/12BMiriam Cortés Contreras52 C (1hrs)CAMELOT R-band photometry of M dwarfs in the CARMENES input catalogue
62-IAC809/12BValerio Nascimbeni6 G (I) + 1 B (I) + 3 O (II)CAMELOT A search for low-mass planets by timing the transiting exoplanets HAT-P-10b and HAT-P-6b
68-IAC8010/12BMassimo Calabresi3 O (I) + 1 G (I)CAMELOT Photometry of VES205 and V405 Cyg candidates as source for optical counterparts of 1AGL J2022+4032
85-IAC8012-B/12BNicolas Lodieu3 G (I) + 2 G (II) + 1 B (II)CAMELOT Parallaxes of low-metallicity M dwarfs
101-IAC8013-B/12BJose Antonio Acosta Pulido105 C (1hrs)CAMELOT Understanding blazar emission through multifrequency observations
108-IAC8014-A/12BJavier Gorosabel Urkia9 C (2hrs)TCP Sub-proposal I: Alerting large aperture telescopes with the 1-m class telescopes of Observatorio del Teide
134-IAC8016/12BBrandon Tingley50 C (0.4hrs)CAMELOT Photometric follow-up of planet candidates from the CoRoT mission
138-IAC8017/12BF. Carlos Lazaro Hernando2 B (I)CAMELOT Photometry of CoRoT binary eclipses
140-IAC8018/12BJana Polednikova24 C (1hrs)CAMELOT Testing the AGN Standard Model through Quasar Variability
150-IAC8019-A/12BPeter Abraham2 O (I) + 3 G (I)CAMELOT Search for long term variability in a Spitzer-based sample of young stellar objects
162-IAC8020/12BPaul Callanan5 G (I)CAMELOT Optical photometry of Ultra Compact interacting Binaries
168-IAC8021-A/12BRafael Rebolo López6 O (I) + 7 G (I) + 1 B (I)CAMELOT Searching for Earth-mass planets in solar type stars with HARPS