Ref. CAT | IP | Noches Concedidas | Instrumento | Programa | Colaboradores |
10-WHT3/10A | Ignacio Garcia de la Rosa | 2 G (II) | ISIS |
Superdense massive galaxies in the Nearby Universe | Alexandre Vazdekis Vazdekis, A. Javier Cenarro Lagunas, Ignacio Trujillo Cabrera, Anna Ferré Mateu, Vicent Quilis Quilis |
11-WHT4/10A | Enric Palle Bago | 4 G (I) + 1 G (4.5hrs) (I) | ISIS |
Spectro-polarimetric measurements of the earthshine. | Rafael Barrena Delgado, Pilar Montañés Rodríguez, Antonio García Muñoz |
16-WHT5/10A | Kambiz Fathi | 1 O (I) + 1 G (I) | visitante |
Connecting stars and gas in early-type spiral galaxies | John
Beckman, goran ostlin, Jesus Falcon Barroso, Claude Carignan, Philippe
Amram, Javier Blasco Herrera, Joan Font Serra, Benoît Epinat |
27-WHT6/10A | Ignacio Trujillo Cabrera | 3 O (II) | AF2/WYFFOS |
Understanding the cosmic assembly of the spheroid galaxies in the las 8 Gyrs through a
detailed stellar population analysis: the WHT sample | Marc
Balcells Comas, Alexandre Vazdekis Vazdekis, Pablo G. Pérez González,
Patricia Sanchez Blazquez, Jesus Falcon Barroso, Michele Cirasuolo,
Angela Hempel, Anna Ferré Mateu, Mina Koleva, Christopher Conselice,
Ignacio Ferreras Paez, Fernando Buitrago |
48-WHT10/10A | Isabel Perez Martin | 3 O (I) | ISIS |
Stellar chemical abundance gradients of bars in late type galaxies | Almudena Zurita Muñoz, Estrella Florido Navío, Patricia Sanchez Blazquez |
50-WHT12/10A | Maria Jesus Martinez Gonzalez | 1 B (II) | ISIS |
Magnetic field detection in the central stars of planetary nebulae | Romano Corradi, Francesco Leone, Andrés Asensio, Rafael Manso Sainz, Mónica Rodríguez |
56-WHT13/10A | Rosario Lopez Hermoso | 1 B (II) | LIRIS |
Antonio Acosta Pulido, Robert Estalella Boadella, Gabriel Gómez
Velarde, María Begoña García Lorenzo, Carlos Carrasco Gonzalez |
59-WHT14/10A | Cristina Ramos Almeida | 2 B (I) | LIRIS |
Unmasking obscured Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies through near-IR spectroscopy. | Ana Maria Perez Garcia, Jose Antonio Acosta Pulido, Omaira Gonzalez-Martin |
60-WHT15/10A | Elisa Toloba Jurado | 2 O (I) | ISIS |
Stellar content, mass and kinematics of cluster early-type dwarf galaxies | Javier
Gorgas García, Gerhard Hensler, Jesus Falcon Barroso, Reynier Peletier,
A. Javier Cenarro Lagunas, Heikki Salo, Eija Laurikainen, Boselli
Alessandro, Sami-Matias Niemi, Santos Pedraz Marcos, Thorsten Lisker,
Janz Joachim |
62-WHT16/10A | Ane Garcés | 2 B (II) | ISIS |
Age-evolution of the high-energy emissions of low-mass stars | Ignasi Ribas Canudas, Silvia Catalán Ruiz |
Investigation of Supernova Remnants in nearby galaxies | |
79-WHT19/10A | Nagisa Oi | 1 B (I) | LIRIS |
Weighing High-z Supermassive Black Holes by NIR Spectroscopy to Explore the Black Hole - Galaxy Coevolution | Yosuke
Minowa, Tomoki Morokuma, Masatoshi Imanishi, Nozomu Kawakatu Kawakatu,
Takeo Minezaki, Toshihiro KAWAGUCHI, Keisuke Imase, Tohru Nagao |
82-WHT20/10A | Hervé BOUY | 2 O (II) | ISIS |
Do non-accreting protoplanetary disks exist? II - The Serpens "bright" sample | Gaspard Duchene, Caer-Eve McCabe |
86-WHT22/10A | Alcione Mora Fernández | 2 G (II) | OASIS |
Gas disks in Herbig Ae/Be stars: resolving the spatial structure | Carlos Eiroa, JESÚS MALDONADO PRADO, Ignacio Mendigutía Gómez, BENJAMIN MONTESINOS COMINO, Mario van den Ancker, Bram Acke |
89-WHT23-A/10A | Jorge Sanchez Almeida | 1 G (II) | ACAM |
The galaxies of lowest metallicity | Ricardo Amorin Barbieri, Jose Alfonso Lopez Aguerri, Jose Manuel Vilchez Medina, casiana muñoz tuñon |
89-WHT24-B/10A | Jorge Sanchez Almeida | 1 G (II) | ISIS |
The galaxies of lowest metallicity | Ricardo
Amorin Barbieri, Jose Alfonso Lopez Aguerri, Jose Manuel Vilchez
Medina, casiana muñoz tuñonRicardo Amorin Barbieri, Jose Alfonso Lopez
Aguerri, Jose Manuel Vilchez Medina, casiana muñoz tuñon |
94-WHT26/10A | Jesus Falcon Barroso | 3 O (I) | SAURON |
Formation & Evolution of Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies: a two-dimensional perspective | Alexandre
Vazdekis Vazdekis, A. Javier Cenarro Lagunas, Elisa Toloba Jurado,
Anne-Marie Weijmans, Mina Koleva, Glenn van de Ven, Remco van den
Bosch, Agnieszka Rys |
109-WHT28/10A | Javier Blasco Herrera | 2 G (I) + 1 B (I) | visitante |
"GHaFaS para ver Starbursts": Dynamic evolution of massive starbursts | John Beckman, Nils Bergvall, goran ostlin, Kambiz Fathi, Joan Font Serra, Thomas Marquart |
114-WHT30/10A | Martin Guerrero Roncel | 2 B (II) | LIRIS |
Investigation of the Nature of the Spitzer IRAC Extended Emission of Planetary Nebulae | Gerardo Ramos Larios, Monica Blanco Cardenas |
125-WHT34/10A | Tariq Shahbaz | 1 B (II) | LIRIS |
The polarimetric signature of jets in X-ray binaries | Christopher Watson |
144-WHT37/10A | Jorge Casares Velázquez | 1 G Override | ISIS |
Determining system parameters of a Soft X-ray transient in outburst | Ignacio Gonzalez Martinez-Pais, Danny Steeghs, Teodoro Muñoz Darias, Charles Phil, Jesús M. Corral Santana, Remon Cornelisse |
148-WHT39/10A | Alberto Fernandez Soto | 3 O (II) | AF2/WYFFOS |
La masa y la extension de los halos en galaxias elipticas | Rodney
Smith, Vicent J. Martínez García, Maria de los Angeles Gomez Flechoso,
Vicent Peris Baixauli, Sami-Matias Niemi, Rosa María Domínguez Tenreiro |
150-WHT40/10A | Agustín Sánchez Lavega | O (1hrs) (II) | INGRID |
High Resolution Imaging of Debris from a Giant Impact on Jupiter?s South Pole | Santiago Pérez Hoyos, Ricardo Hueso Alonso |
162-WHT45/10A | Mark Keremedjiev | 3 B (I) | visitante |
Optical Diffraction-Limited SPIFS Observations of the Physical Structures of YSO and B[e] Supergiants | Marc Balcells Comas, Stephen Eikenberry |
166-WHT46/10A | Jose Manuel Vilchez Medina | 1 O (II) | ISIS |
Iglesias Páramo, Enrique Pérez Montero, Antonio Mampaso, Leonid
Stepanovich Pilyugin, Yiannis Tsamis, Ana M Hidalgo Gamez, Alba
Fernandez Martin |
172-WHT47/10A | Sebastian Ramirez Alegria | 3 B (II) | LIRIS |
MASGOMAS: MOS of obscured OB stars in massive clusters | Ignacio
Negueruela Díez, Artemio Herrero Davó, Francisco Najarro de la Parra,
Don Figer, Antonio Marin Franch, Elena Puga Antolin, Carmen De Martino
Messina |
184-WHT49/10A | María Morales Calderón | 2 B (II) | LIRIS |
Characterizing the Youngest Members of IRAS20050+2720 | David Barrado Navascués, John R. Stauffer, Amelia Bayo Arán, Nuria Huelamo Bautista, Luisa Rebull, Peter Plavchan |
195-WHT51/10A | Nayra Rodriguez Eugenio | 2 B (I) | LIRIS |
Star formation rates, dust extinction, and chemical abundances in star-forming galaxies at z~1 | Arturo Manchado Torres, Jose Antonio Acosta Pulido |