Instrumentation for satellite communication tests
- Spectrometer. Spectral range between 750 and 900 nm. Resolution better than 0.1 nm.
- Astrocam CCD camera. Format: 1152×1242 pixels.
- Tunable laser between 750 and 900 nm, with power up to 5 W.
Spatial Debris Observation Camera
- CCD of 4096×4096 pixels. The detector consists of a 4 EEV 42-40 chips mosaic, each with 2048×2048 pixels.
- Pixel size: 13.5×13.5 µm².
- Spatial scale: 0.62″/pixel.
- Field of view: 0.709°x 0.709° (diagonal: 1°, surface: 0.5 squared degrees).
- Cooled to 160 K using liquid nitrogen.
- Dark current: less than 2 electrons/hour/pixel.
- Front illuminated devices.
- Spectral range between 400 and 1050 nm.
- Quantum efficiency at 700 nm: better than 40%.
- Pixel to pixel illumination response differences: less than 2%.
- Number of bad pixels: less than 100 in each chip.
- Readout time: 12 seconds.
- Readout rate: adjustable between 6 and 50 µs.
- Readout noise: less than 8 electrons/pixel.
- Charge transfer efficiency: better than 0.99999
- Designed to work in the modified Ritchey-Chrétien configuration with a focal relation of 4.5.
Other features
- Three different secondary mirrors (one for each optical configuration), that must be exchanged when changing the telescope configuration.
- Two shutters: the first one is an E100 Iris which allows minimum exposures of 125 milliseconds. The second one is a rotating disk shutter which allows minimum exposures of 5 milliseconds. Exposure time precision when using both shutters: 1 millisecond.
- Meteorological station to measure the wind (speed and direction), pressure, relative humidity and temperature outside the dome.
- All the instrumentation can be remotely controlled, including preprogrammed sequences of measurements.