The IAC has guaranteed time in the following telescopes:
- Las Cumbres (LCOGT): A total of approximately 400 hr per semester are granted to the IAC community to the 0.4m network of telescopes. This time is allocated by the IAC-CAT following these instructions. Moreover, regular proposals can be submitted to the LCOGC central TAC. All the observations are executed in queue mode
- SAFT – SuperWASP Alsubai Follow-up Telescope: The IAC community has access up to 20% granted time, plus to a 5% of the time through the International Time. Moreover, the IAC community has access to the full reduced data base through collaborations with the Warwick University.
- Open University Telescope: The IAC community has access up to 20% granted time, plus to a 5% of the time through the International Time. Moreover, the IAC community has access to the full reduced data base through collaborations with the Open University.