Special call CIRCE polarization 2017A

GTC announces the special call for proposals for observing time with CIRCE in polarimetric mode corresponding to semester 2017A. All potential applicants are recommended to read the full announcement that is available here. Proposals requesting CIRCE polarization data are due on April 3, 2017, at 17 h Canarian time (18 h CET)

Semester 2017A runs from March 1 through August 31, 2017. CIRCE polarization proposals approved by the CAT will likely be executed between June and August. Applicants should take this into account when selecting their targets.

To submit proposals in response to this Special Call for CIRCE polarization proposals, authors should use the cat.iac.es application tool and select “Special Agreements” “CIRCE Special Polarimetry Time (CIRCEpol)” (see “How to submit” for further help).


Page updated on March 9, 2017.