Night CAT news

  • Special call for WHT and Stella (11/8/2019) - A special call for WHT and STELLA proposals for Spanish CAT night observing time in semester 2020A hass been released. Deadline Nov 30, 2019, 22:59 Canarian time.
  • Night CAT call for proposals 2020A (9/2/2019) - The call for proposals for semester 2020A of the night CAT has been released. Deadline on October 2, at 22:59 UT (Canarian time)
  • Night CAT call for proposals 2019B (3/4/2019) - The call for proposals for semester 2019B of the night CAT has been released. The deadline is Wednesday, 3 April 2019, at 22:59 h Canarian local time (23:59 CEST, 21:59 UT).
  • Night CAT call for proposals 2019A (9/4/2018) - The call for proposals for semester 2019A of the night CAT has been released. Deadline on October 2, at 23:59 UT.
  • Call for IAC-Nordic NOT proposals for semester 2018B (5/9/2018) - We announce the call for IAC-Nordic proposals for semester 2018B. Deadline: 28 May 2018, at 17:00 h Canarian time (18:00 h CEST). Full announcement available here
  • Night CAT call for proposals 2018B (3/6/2018) - The call for proposals for semester 2018B of the night CAT has been released. Deadline on April 3, at 23:59 UT.
  • Night CAT call for proposals 2018A (9/4/2017) - The 2018A Spanish Night CAT and Spanish/Mexican collaborative time at the GTC call for proposals is available with proposals due October 3, 2017 (17 h Canarian Time). All applicants are recommended to read the call for proposals and check the highlights for 2018A. 
  • Special call for INT and Mercator 2017B (5/31/2017) - Special call for the INT and Mercator 2017B. Proposal due on Sunday, June 11th, at 17:00 h Canarian time (18:00 h CET)
  • Special call for CIRCE polarization proposals 2017A (3/9/2017) - GTC opens a special call for observing proposals with CIRCE in polarimetric mode for semester 2017A. Due date: April 3, 2017, at 17 h Canarian time (18 h CET).
  • Standard call for night CAT proposals semester 2017B (2/28/2017) - The 2017B Spanish night CAT call for proposals for the Canarian Observatories is now available and proposals are due on April 3rd, at 17 h Canarian time (18 h CET). The Gran Telescopio de Canarias (GTC) Spanish-Mexican collaborative time call for proposals is also open with the same due date.  There are important changes with […]